- フィリピン:レガスピ市、熊本の人々から洗えるマスクを受理
- UN-Habitat and UK hold dialogue on changing weather in India
- Celebrating UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration-World Environment Day 2021- UN Habitat Launched Waste Wise Cities Tool in Pakistan
- 世界都市フォーラム「都市の未来」を焦点に来年ポーランド・ カトヴィツェ市に於いて開催
- 日本政府支援による国連人間居住計画(UN-Habitat)スーダンプロジェクトの実施 “南ダルフール州における国内避難民の平和的な帰還支援事業”
- 2021 Asian townscape Awards: Call for Applications
- CityNet, UN-Habitat to kick start KOICA-funded, three-year capacity building project on affordable housing this year!
- UN-Habitat launched project to adapt to climate change impacts for vulnerable communities in Pakistan
- UN-Habitat and Adaptation Fund forging partnership with the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam – Inception Workshop for launching the project
- Philippines: Urban Resilience Investment Forum concluded with strengthened linkages on climate finance
- Fiji Prime Minister receives UN ‘Champion of the Earth Award‘
- Flood victims in Lao PDR benefit from Japanese funded housing and water supply
- Myanmar: “World Cities Day” Event jointly held by Ministry of Construction and UN-Habitat
- Pacific Partnership for the New Urban Agenda
- India hosts webinar on integrating health in urban planning
- UN-Habitat China and partners in Wuhan share COVID-19 response experiences
- Former slum dwellers in Myanmar’s largest city enjoy new housing
- Pacific Youth encouraged to claim their rights to participation and leadership!
- UN-Habitat concludes a Webinar on Landfill Remediation towards adoption of Fukuoka Method in India
- Courtesy meeting with the Association of Siamese Architects (ASA) on mainstreaming “Leaving No One Behind” in Thailand
- 世界ハビタット・デー記念アートプロジェクト “MANY THANKS” 作品募集要項
- 2020 Asian Townscape Awards: Call for Applications
- Building resilience by pursuing climate actions for achieving sustainable development: UN-Habitat and Adaptation Fund forging partnership with the Government of Lao PDR
- Over 200 families in Cambodia affected by 2018 flooding receive housing with Japanese funding
- Nepal: Local Production of Safety Materials – COVID-19:
- Maintaining hygiene and preparedness for fight against COVID-19 in Nepal
- UN-Habitat organizes community awareness training on COVID-19 in Cambodia
- Myanmar Climate Change Alliance to start 2nd Phase of the Programme
- 「イラクの新規解放都市における復興・平和構築支援事業 – 第三期」への新規拠出金について
- Myanmar: Public hand-washing stations to combat Covid-19 in Sittwe, Rakhine State
- Local and regional leaders showcase the value of public services to respond to the COVID-19 crisis
- President of the UN General Assembly visits informal settlements under UN-Habitat’s Adaptation Fund project on his first mission to Fiji
- First Cambodia Urban Forum to discuss key urban priorities towards smart, sustainable and inclusive cities
- UN-Habitat concludes a Regional Workshop on SDG11 in New Delhi, India
- Thailand local governments commit to implement the New Urban Agenda to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- UN-Habitat guides organic regeneration in Changsha Kaifu District
- The Rehabilitation and Stabilization of Htein Bin Dumpsite Commenced
- UN-Habitat and China host the 3rd Chengdu Forum for Green Development
- China: Eco-restoration in cities after the mines close: green urban development is a key principle to accelerate investment.
- President of Myanmar HE U Win Myint announces national environment and climate change policies to mark World Environment Day 2019
- 日本政府から約545,000米ドルを国連ハビタット・アフガニスタンへ拠出
- 2019 Asian Townscape Awards: Call for Applications
- India: Masons Training on Disaster Resilient Construction Practices in Idukki District, Kerala (PDF 585KB)
- India: Masons Training on Disaster Resilient Construction Practices in Wayanad District, Kerala (PDF 249KB)
- Government of Japan supports recovery efforts in Lao PDR
- Government of Japan supports recovery and strengthens resilience of flood victims in Cambodia
- A Study Tour of University Students from Fukuoka to UN-Habitat Myanmar
- 国連ハビタットのイエメンにおける緊急避難所設備と住居再建事業に⽇本から800,000 ドルの⽀援 (PDF 224KB)
- Myanmar: Ongoing UN and Japan Cooperation on Rakhine extended in 2019 to also support communities in Kachin and Shan (PDF 198KB)
- Philippines: After heavy fighting destroyed their city, Filipino families come together for ground breaking at the site of their new homes
- Japan provides support to urgently improve rubbish management in Yangon City, Myanmar
- スーダン: 共同プレスリリース: 日本から国連ハビタット スーダンへ700,000ドルの拠出、南ダルフール州への国内避難民の平和的帰還を支援 (PDF 147 KB)
- Sri Lanka: Second Set of Houses Constructed through the Indian Housing Project Handed Over to Estate Families in Nuwara Eliya
- 2018 International Placemaking Week (Wuhan, China)
- UN-Habitat and Wuhan City ended 2018 in China with launching the China Placemaking Network
- UN-Habitat and Partners hold National Consultation Workshop: “Towards a National Urban Policy for Myanmar”
- Launch of the State of Sri Lankan Cities – 2018 Report
- イラク・モスル市で紛争によって破壊された住宅を復旧 (PDF 391KB)
- Celebrating Empowered Communities and Urban October 2018 activities in Thailand (PDF 708KB)
- Myanmar: UN-Habitat hands over the Japan funded Yoma Housing Project n Yangon
- Key actors gather to foster implementation of Myanmar’s national climate change policy
- International planning experts promote Planning Guidelines in Japan and China
- Sri Lanka: First Set of Houses Constructed Through the Indian Housing Project in Plantation Areas Handed Over to Estate Families in Nuwara Eliya
- Sri Lanka: “Greening” Plantation Settlements in Nuwara Eliya District
- Asian-Pacific City Summit discuss sustainability
- UN-HABITAT 2018 International Urban Design Student Competition
- Myanmar: Handing Over of Multi-purposed Cyclone Shelter in Labutta
- UN-Habitat and Myanmar Partners discuss priorities areas of action in the National Urban Policy Framework.
- Sri Lanka: UN-Habitat Conducts Job Fair for Youth in the Nuwara Eliya District
- Sri Lanka: UN-Habitat Supports Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives in Nuwara Eliya District with Funding from KOICA
- Parliamentarians of Myanmar inaugurated Road renovation under the Japan funded project implemented by UN-Habitat
- Call for Proposals: Community-based climate vulnerability assessments and climate action plans Fiji
- Myanmar: Handing Over Ceremony for European Union funded Multi-Purpose Flood Shelter & Emergency Water tank and Concrete Drainage
- UN-Habitat Supports Plantation Communities to Obtain their Basic Legal Documents
- Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Sri Lanka Officially Opens Community Infrastructure Initiatives Implemented by UN-Habitat in Nuwara Eliya District.
- 2018 Asian Townscape Awards: Call for Applications
- Japan grants UN-Habitat USD 10 million for Marawi peacebuilding project
- Study visit of university students from Fukuoka to UN-Habitat, Myanmar
- Afghanistan launches an Innovative Land Management Initiative: Occupancy Certificates for Residents of Informal Urban Areas
- Engaging CBOs to Implement Relief Projects in Sri Lanka through a Participatory Process
- Women are Contributing to Afghan Safer Cities, Peace and Community Development with the Support of the Netherlands and Switzerland
- Sri Lanka Celebrates World Habitat Day 2017 "Housing Policies: Affordable Homes" in Matara (PDF 154KB)
- 8th Asian Townscape Awards Ceremony was held in Yinchuan, China (PDF 245KB)
- “One Stop Youth Center for Peace and Development” in Gureii, Juba officially launched with the support of Japan (PDF 57KB)
- UN-Habitat to provide housing to war veterans as part of peace building efforts in South Sudan (PDF 27KB)
- 国連ハビタットと福岡のパートナーが福岡本部の活動支援を宣言
- Government hands over housing units to the Poorest and most Vulnerable families in Myanmar.
- 国連ハビタット福岡本部 新本部長就任のお知らせ
- Sri Lanka: Japanese Ambassador Opens New School Building in Mannar District
- Government and Urban Stakeholders Aim to Build Climate Resiliency through Urban Plans and Designs
- Iraq: UN-Habitat Welcomes Generous Contribution from the Government of Japan to Continue Provision of Shelter and Urban Recovery to Support Vulnerable IDPs and Returnees (PDF 175KB)
- Pakistan: Provincial governments express support to get accurate knowledge of urbanization (PDF 332KB)
- Government of Solomon Islands formally launches Honiara Urban Resilience and Climate Action Plan
- Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Visits UN-Habitat Housing Project Site in Nuwara Eliya District (PDF 562KB)
- UN-Habitat and Relief and Resettlement Department Sign Memorandum of Understanding
- University Students from Fukuoka study UN-Habitat projects in Myanmar
- Kabul launches Clean and Green Cities in Nahias 1 and 2
- Sri Lanka’s Mannar District gets new learning spaces
- Adaptation Fund and UN-Habitat mitigate climate change challenges in Lao PDR
- Afghanistan: Japan will provide 3. 3 million USD grant to support the Project for City Resilience
- UN-Habitat and partners hold workshop on spaces
- Sri Lanka: UN-Habitat launches Human Development Initiative Project
- イラク: 日本政府支援事業紹介ビデオ「仮設住宅地の建設によるイラク国内避難民への人道支援」
- South Sudan: 200,000 IDPs and their hosts take over basic service facilities such as water, sanitation, flood control and agricultural materials from Japan and UN-Habitat
- USD 2 Million grant from KOICA to improve living conditions in Sri Lanka
- Skewed growth, returnees and poverty top agenda as Afghanistan holds National Urban Conference
- UN-Habitat and Myanmar sign MoU to support impoverished communities
- イラクの新規解放地域における復興促進事業:ラマディにおけるアンバール大学避難民女子学生向け居住施設の修復 (PDF 98KB)
- Myanmar Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Training
- Government of Afghanistan issues occupancy certificates to strengthen tenure security
- World Habitat Day 2016 in India
- World Habitat Day in Myanmar
- イラク・ミーサーン州に対する国内避難民向け仮設住宅の提供(PDF 103KB)
- UN-Habitat, ADB and partners launch climate resilience project
- UN-Habitat and Sri Lanka strengthen cooperation
- UN-Habitat Commences Housing Project for Estate Workers in Nuwara Eliya District with Indian Government Funding(PDF 361KB)
- Government and partners plan ‘State of Pakistan Cities’Report’
- Vietnam commits to green growth and climate change resilience
- Afghanistan president challenges the youth to tackle corruption
- Launch of the Atlas for Afghan City Regions 2016
- Advancing UN-Habitat’s collaboration with China: Clos visits Beijing, Shanghai
- Singapore: Mayors renew their commitments towards liveable and sustainable cities
- Pilot Project launched for Improved Urban Public Spaces in China
- Milestone report on “Sanitation, Drinking water and Health in Pacific Island countries” reveals troubling information
- イラク: ファルージャから避難した若者に対する支援:バグダッド州アブグレイブ地区におけるファルージャ大学仮校舎(学生寮及び教室)の完成式典(PDF 111KB)
- UN-Habitat sets up field office in its new Kenyan refugee project site
- Korea-Vietnam Community Art Exchange Project launched
- Myanmar: Celebration of the World Environment Day 5 June 2016
- UN-Habitat Signs Agreement with the Government of India to Implement the Indian Housing Project in Sri Lanka’s Central and Uva Provinces(PDF 490KB)
- Afghanistan’s Urban National Priority Program reaches an important milestone
- ミャンマー:日本政府支援による国連ハビタット住宅支援事業の定礎式を開催
- Foundation stone laid for Japan funded Myanmar low cost housing project
- Closure of UN-Habitat Information and Dissemination Office in Chennai, India
- イラク・ドホーク州で4,800人以上を収容可能な国内避難民向け仮設住宅地の開所式典を開催(PDF 147KB)
- Japan lends a helping hand to UN-Habitat project for ethnic communities in Myanmar
- “Urban Equity and Youth Development” Workshops in Mongolia
- Afghanistan completes national workshops on urban priority programme
- Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) in FUKUOKA Students Group Visits UN-Habitat Project Sites in Sri Lanka(PDF 223KB)
- イラク:カルバラ州での国内避難民向け仮設住宅の提供と日本政府による支援を受けた新規2事業の開始式典(PDF 112KB)
- Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology won the Water for Pakistan Football Tournament by UN-Habitat and UNICEF on World Water Day 2016
- Mongolia National Urban Forum 2016 – Green Development
- 国連ハビタット福岡本部「都市・国土計画に係る国際ガイドライン」の日本語版を発行
- UN-Habitat launches the second Kabul Metropolitan Conference
- Calls for People-Centred Local Action at Resilient Cities Conference, Asia-Pacific
- Myanmar hosts climate change meeting
- 国連ハビタットが実施する、日本国政府支援による「トルカナカウンティーのカロベイエイ新居住サイトにおける難民の再定住及び統合計画支援」について
- Environmentally sustainable cities, SDG implementation, New Urban Agenda under spotlight in Hanoi
- 日本政府による国連人間居住計画イラク事務所の新規2事業に対する資金拠出:「ジェンダーに配慮したイラク国内避難民向け仮設住宅地建設支援事業」 「イラク国内の解放地域における都市復旧促進事業」 (PDF 123KB)
- UN-Habitat Launches the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning and the State of the Asian & Pacific Cities 2015 Report in Sri Lanka(PDF 458KB)
- Vietnam’s city hosts an international workshop on tourism
- Embassy of Japan, UN-Habitat, & MHI celebrated Completion Ceremony of their project “Temporary Dislocated People of North Waziristan Agency living among host communities in 3 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province”in Pakistan
- UN-Habitat hosts youth discussion on urban youth and equity in Asia-Pacific
- Outcomes report: The premier Asia-Pacific Urban Youth Assembly at APUF-6 (APUFY) in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17-18 October 2015
- Afghanistan holds 'Inclusive Cities Week' to network communities from regional hub cities and Kabul
- Pakistan: DG PDMA KPK inaugurated the Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Capacity Building Workshop in Peshawar
- Nepal's Prime Minister launches the reconstruction campaign and witnesses the signing of collaboration with UN-Habitat.
- Green and Smart Initiatives for Quy Nhon Development
- Afghanistan holds national urban conference
- Japanese Ambassador Visits UN-Habitat Infrastructure Project in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province
- Premier Asia-Pacific Urban Youth Assembly (APUFY) launched in Jakarta
- Local, Provincial and National Governments Unite to Tackle Port Vila’s Climate Resilience
- UN-Habitat Completes 16,000 Houses under Government of India’s Grant Assistance in the North of Sri Lanka
- Celebrating ‘Public Spaces for All’ in Nepal
- Sri Lanka Celebrates World Habitat Day 2015 with a National Event in Colombo
- UN-Habitat and Government of Japan Support over 180,000 People to Rebuild Community Infrastructure Facilities in the North of Sri Lanka.
- European Union and UN-Habitat sign an agreement on Afghanistsan’s Municipal Governance Support Programme
- Launch of the State of Afghan Cities Report 2015
- Vietnam: Hanoi seminar explores community arts and the living space
- Vietnamese city Quy Nhon holds a training workshop on development strategy
- UN-Habitat promotes sustainable urban planning and development in Myanmar
- Urban challenges emerging one month after Nepal earthquake
- 国連ハビタットが実施する「ネパール大地震による最も脆弱な被災者に対する緊急シェルター支援事業」への日本国政府支援について
- 2015年アジア都市景観賞の募集を開始
- 2015 Asian Townscape Awards: Call for Submissions
- Myanmar proposes a vision for a climate resilient, low-carbon and resource efficient development
- 日本政府、スリランカ・マナー県における学習環境改善支援に
- イラク共和国における国内避難民に対する人道支援プロジェクト記念式典の開催
- 日本政府による51百万ドルの支援により、国連ハビタットがアジア・中東・アフリカ地域において事業を実施
- Government of Japan gives USD 51 million for UN-Habitat executed projects in Asia, Arab States and Africa
- UN-Habitat to Assist Poor and Vulnerable Communities in Myanmar with Funding Support from the Government of Japan
- Government of Japan Provides US$ 4.2 Million to Improve the Learning Environment in Sri Lanka’s Mannar District
- Seismic Hazard Assessment for Yangon City launched in Myanmar
- Indonesia Gathers Inputs on New Urban Agenda towards High Level Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting for Habitat III
- Urban Development and Housing Hits High in the Government’s Development Agenda in Myanmar
- Expert Group propose International Guidelines to shape the Sustainable Development of Cities
- Official Launch of the State of Afghan Cities Programme 2014/2015
- Sri Lanka: The Urban Development Authority and UN-Habitat Jointly Organise a Workshop on Urban Resilience
- Sri Lanka: UN-Habitat Launches Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness Plans for Four Cities in the North and East with Funding from the Government of Australia
- Indonesia: Indonesia Prepares its National Report for Habitat III
- Sri Lanka: Government of Japan Supports Pre-School Education in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province with UN-Habitat and Save the Children Japan
- Afghanistan: UN-Habitat Convenes Urban Planning Workshop in Kabul in Response to the Rapid Growth of Cities across Afghanistan
- Philippines: UN-Habitat and partners kick off post-Haiyan shelter project with the completion of its first resilient corehouse
- Sri Lanka: Coca-Cola – UN-Habitat partnership supports over 1,600 residents in Killinochchi district with access to fresh water
- Afghanistan: Online Platform Launched to Track the Impact of Programming in Municipalities
- Myanmar: Climate Change at the Heart of Myanmar’s Policy Development Agenda
- Philippines: Philippines broadly engages urban stakeholders in preparing Habitat III National Report
- 福岡代表団、国連ハビタット本部(ナイロビ)を訪問
- Indonesia: UN‐Habitat and the Government Vow for Sustainable Urbanization
- UN-Habitat signs LOA for the implementation of Land Management and Administration Programme (LAMP)with the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
- 2014年アジア都市景観賞の募集を開始
- Support from people of Japan to empower Haiyan-affected communities
- 国連ハビタットがスリランカで実施する「北部州及び東部州における地域社会インフラ施設再建、生計向上及び女性の能力強化支援計画」への日本国政府支援について
- Sri Lanka: International Conference on Post Emergency Shelter Reconstruction Now Underway in Colombo
- 国連ハビタットが実施する「大型台風ヨランダ被災コミュニティ復旧支援事業:住宅再建を通じた生活再建」への日本国政府支援について
- スリランカ北部における日本政府支援事業:在スリランカ粗信仁大使のご視察
- Government of Japan Provides Additional Funding of US$ 3.7 million for Community Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement in the North and East of Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka: Australian Government Funding for Disaster Resilient Urban Planning and Development Units for Local Authorities in Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya
- Conference Announcement: Restoring Communities through 'Home-Owner-Driven' Reconstruction: from Post-Emergency to Development
Colombo, Sri Lanka – 24-25 March, 2014
- Myanmar: Government Announces Formation of High Level Committee on Climate Change (PDF 2.4MB)
- Philippines: UN-Habitat extends assistance to communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan
- Australian Prime Minister Meets UN-Habitat Housing Beneficiaries in Sri Lanka
- UN-Habitat hits the ground running after super typhoon hits Philippines
- The Asia-Pacific Issue Brief Series on Urbanization and Climate Change
- Building a Foundation for the Future: Ambassador of the European Union Visits Housing Beneficiaries in the North of Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka: Australia supports UN-Habitat to make Balangoda, Batticaloa, Ratnapura and Kalmunai resilient to disasters
- UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific at the EcoMobility World Festival of the Suwon City, South Korea
- Sri Lanka: Breaking Traditional Barriers: Women Train as Masons and Carpenters in Sri Lanka's Northern Province
- The Urban Resource Center official opening and the Provisional Myanmar National Building Code handed-over to Ministry of Construction
- Interactive Training Workshop on Pro-poor, Urban Climate Resilience
- European Union Parliamentarians Visit Housing Beneficiaries in Sri Lanka's Northern Province
- Vietnam: Story from Quang Nam Green Growth Investment Forum
- Afghan Cities Sign Up for Resilient Cities
- 国連ハビタット福岡本部 新本部長就任のお知らせ
- Australian funding to make more Sri Lankan towns resilient to disasters
- Japan Provides Grant Assistance through UN-Habitat for Development and Rehabilitation of Communities in Ethnic Minority Areas in Myanmar
- 前国連ハビタット福岡本部長が西南学園大学教授に就任
- Sri Lanka: Launch of Housing Project for Returnee Families in the North and East with funding from EU, AusAID and SDC
- Japan Supports Rehabilitation of Community Infrastructure and Facilities in Conflict Affected Areas in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka through UN-Habitat
- Government of Japan supports Government of Afghanistan through UN-Habitat to strengthen decentralization policy in attaining sustainable urban development
- Sri Lanka: Eight Houses Completed by Home Owners within Six Months under the Indian Housing Project
- Sri Lanka: Australian Members of Parliament Visit Housing Project in Killinochchi District
- Sri Lanka: Housing Support for Four Thousand Families in the North and East with Funding from the European Union, Australian and Swiss Governments.
- Turning Sri Lanka's Urban Vision into Policy and Action
- Government of India partners with UN-Habitat to Reconstruct 16,800 Permanent Houses for Conflict Affected Families
- 国連ハビタット事務局長ジョアン・クロス、福岡本部の支援に関する第4期覚書に調印
- UN-Habitat signs MOU with Myanmar Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
- Australian High Commissioner Visits Housing Project in the North
- 現地の声にスリランカ:Reconstruction of Three Thousand War Damaged Houses Under Way in Northern Sri Lanka with Funding from the European Union, the Australian Government, the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation(英語)を追加しました
- 現地の声にミャンマー:UN-HABITAT supports establishment of the Urban Research and Development Institute (URDI) in Myanmar(英語)を追加しました
- UNESCAP Pacific Office in association with UN HABITAT and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF)
Mobilizing Action on Urban Issues in the Pacific (PDF 60KB)
- Photo Essay: Shelter Support to Conflict Affected IDPs in the North of Sri Lanka
- 国連ハビタット新事務局次長が決定(英文)
- 野田本部長、櫛田神社清道入り
- アジアの都市の現状と課題 2010/2011(英文)
- 2010年10月18日、ジョアン・クロスが新しい国連ハビタット事務局長に就任いたしました。
- 国連ハビタット、スリランカ北部で4,400世帯を対象とした恒久住宅支援事業を実施(英語)を追加しました
- 国連ハビタットが実施する日本政府支援事業について
- 2010年パキスタン大洪水より6か月後の現況報告(英語)
- 国連ハビタット野田順康本部長、髙島宗一郎福岡新市長を表敬訪問
- 2010年10月18日、ジョアン・クロスが新しい国連ハビタット事務局長に就任いたしました。
- 2010.03.31 国家連帯プログラム(NSP)支援を通じたアフガニスタン平和構築事業について(PDF形式 67KB)
- 2009.06.24 モンゴルにおける居住環境改善事業について(PDF形式 70KB)