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Photo Gallery / Afghanistan

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Photo Book: Beyond Conflict - 20 years of working with communities across Afghanistan
Chapter 2: Community Mobilization and Community Action Planning

People are at the centre of the development process, and are encouraged to get together to listen to others and discuss their priorities
Panjshir Province

A social organizer explains a community development project and its step-by-step process
Lashkar Gah City, Helmand Province

Women play a key role in Community Action Planning in Afghanistan, ensuring that their needs – and those of their children – are reflected in the development of new projects
Kabul City, Kabul Province

Community Action Planning is lead by respected community members with relevant expertise
Kabul City, Kabul Province

It's essential to ensure the proportionate representation of women, and of vulnerable families, in the Community Action Planning
Lashkar Gah City, Helmand Province

Representatives are elected by secret ballot from among community members. The right to vote is essential to increasing people's active participation and engendering self confidence
Herat City, Herat Province

  • About UN-HABITAT
  • Projects
  • Programmes
  • Photo & Art

    • Photo Gallery
    • Art Gallery
  • Publications / Speeches
  • Vacancy
  • KCAP / KCAP is a virtual platform linking environmental issues and needs of cities in Asia and the Pacific with technology. Knowhow, and experience available in Japan.

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