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Government of Japan supports recovery and strengthens resilience of flood victims in Cambodia

Government of Japan supports recovery and strengthens resilience of flood victims in Cambodia

H.E. Hidehisa Horinouchi (Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia, left) and Mr. Vanna Sok (Habitat Programme Manager of UN-Habitat in Cambodia, right) signed Exchange of Notes for a grant aid with a high presence of H.E. Chea Sophara (Deputy Prime Minister / Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, center) Photo credit: Embassy of Japan in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 6 March 2019 -The Government of Japan and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) have exchanged notes on a grant aid agreement for implementation of a project to support recovery and strengthen resilience of populations affected by floods. Aimed at providing safe and resilient shelter, the project will rehabilitate 200 housing units and benefit approximately 2,148 households. The Project for the Support for Improving Living Environment and Disaster Prevention Capacity in Cambodia has high-level support from the Royal Government of Cambodia.

Government of Japan supports recovery and strengthens resilience of flood victims in Cambodia

UN-Habitat will assist the flood-affected communities
and household in rebuilding resilient houses, including
sanitation facilities (toilets)
Photo credit: UN-Habitat Cambodia

During the 2018 monsoon season, tropical storm SON-TINH caused heavy flooding from the Sepa-Nam Noi in Attapeu province in Laos PDR. The floods affected 62,317 households in five provinces downstream along the Mekong river and caused the death of 16 people. At the height of the floods, some 5,398 households were evacuated. The USD 886,289 project to be implemented from April 2019 to March 2020 will help families affected by the floods to rebuild their homes.

Based on UN-Habitat’s experience in post conflict and post-disaster recovery in several countries in the Asia – Pacific region, the project will be implemented using the People’s Process, a community-driven rebuilding approach which will train members of households whose homes have been destroyed to rebuild their homes and communities.

“I am concerned about people in areas often affected by natural disasters. When flooding occurs, not only are their houses damaged, but they also have difficulty accessing hygienic sanitation, with the water level above the height of their houses. It would be great for the communities to have public and mobile shelters to evacuate to in emergencies. I fully support the project which targets the most vulnerable and believe UN-Habitat has the capacity to deliver this project successfully,” said Deputy Prime Minister Chea Sophara, acknowledging UN-Habitat’s experience in supporting governments and communities to strengthen capacity for managing human-made and natural disasters.

Japan’s ambassador to Cambodia, Hidehisa Horinouhi noted that the project will strengthen resilience, reduce risk, and mitigate the impact of future disasters in Cambodia. “The project will contribute to sustainable development and economic growth of Cambodia. We appreciate the kind support of the Minister as it ensures successful implementation of this project.”

The UN-Habitat Programme Manager in Cambodia, Vanna Sok thanked the Government of Japan for its support and continued confidence in UN-Habitat. He also expressed gratitude to local authorities in Cambodia for the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful manner in providing shelter for all.

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