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Programmes / Global Programme

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Water for Asian Cities Programme

The programme focuses on all aspects of demand management, economic, social, technical, legal, administrative and institutional. Priority being given to reduction of unaccounted for water; pricing and public-private relationships; equity in distribution of services; regulation and reallocation of resources. Priorities include the development of appropriate technological options; promoting public, private, NGO partnerships for scaling up sanitation process; innovating financial mechanisms for mobilization of local funds for sanitation services.

For more information, visit "Water for Asian Cities".

  • About UN-HABITAT
  • Projects
  • Programmes

    • Habitat Agenda
    • Sustainable Development Goals
    • MTSIP
    • Global Programme
      • Safer Cities Programme
      • Water for Asian Cities Programme
      • Sustainable Cities Programme
      • Risk and Disaster Management Unit
      • Urban Management Programme
      • Cities Alliance - Cities Without Slums
      • Gender Mainstreaming Unit
      • Best Practices & Local Leadership Programme
      • Global Urban Observatory
  • Photo & Art
  • Publications / Speeches
  • Vacancy
  • KCAP / KCAP is a virtual platform linking environmental issues and needs of cities in Asia and the Pacific with technology. Knowhow, and experience available in Japan.

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