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Afghanistan Projects


UN-HABITAT has been assisting the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan to consolidate its role in nation building, demonstrating that a well-conceived rehabilitation process can be an instrument of reconciliation among communities in conflict. Advocating partnerships at a range of levels, with community groups, NGOs, municipalities, local governments, sister UN agencies and bilateral donors, UN-HABITAT has provided support to complex areas of physical reconstruction and social rehabilitation. Since mid-2002 UN-HABITAT activities in the country have been classified as stated below.

  • About UN-HABITAT
  • Projects

    • List
      • Afghanistan
      • Bangladesh
      • Cambodia
      • China
      • Fiji
      • India
      • Indonesia
      • Kiribati
      • Korea (ROK)
      • Lao PDR
      • Malaysia
      • Maldive Islands
      • Mongolia
      • Myanmar
      • Nepal
      • Pacific Islands
      • Pakistan
      • Papua New Guinea
      • Philippines
      • Samoa
      • Solomon Islands
      • Sri Lanka
      • Thailand
      • Timor Leste
      • Tuvalu
      • Vanuatu
      • Vietnam
      • Asian Sub-Region
      • Iraq
    • Voices
  • Programmes
  • Photo & Art
  • Publications / Speeches
  • Vacancy
  • KCAP / KCAP is a virtual platform linking environmental issues and needs of cities in Asia and the Pacific with technology. Knowhow, and experience available in Japan.

End of main contents