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Maldive Islands

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Affordable Housing for All (Completed)

Background and Objectives


Although Maldives is on track in achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals and has shown progressive change in the performance of social indicators, critical challenges in relieving social vulnerabilities. One of the key aspects of social vulnerability lies with housing and problems associated with housing particularly in the capital 'Male'. Such problems include the increasing scarcity of land, high costs of construction and reclamation, the need to accommodate more users with population change, and to respond to the needs of households to be located in areas that are better serviced, secure and have better economic prospects.


This project will contribute to achieving the overall country program outcome of ensuring increased capacity of government agencies/partners and vulnerable groups to mitigate economic and social vulnerabilities. To this end, the main objective of this project is to build capacity in government for the implementation of its rights-based "Affordable Housing for All" Policy, particularly focusing on poverty reduction through targeted interventions for the poor and vulnerable.


Output 1: The development of an analytical framework to evaluate housing supply and demand, focusing on its failure to reach the vulnerable, and the application of the framework to identify effective strategies and interventions for the production of affordable housing for all.

Output 2: The development of an analytical framework for evaluating Land holding, development, transfer and allocation and the application of the framework to identify gaps and overlaps and shortcomings in the existing legislative and regulatory regimes for land with a view to making a more transparent, coherent and consistent system that supports the needs of the affordable housing for all;

Capacity Building of Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment:
Output 3: Develop a programme for on-the-job training supplemented by specialised training and capacity building to enable the Ministry to manage and implement its roles and functions in the Affordable Housing for All Policy.


-Analytical framework for housing completed.
-Interventions in housing sector being identified.
-Land administration system reviewed and recommendations made.
-Capacity building programme under development.

Development Partners / Partners

Development Partners: UNDP
Partners: Government of Maldives

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