Background and Objectives
The 8 October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan caused the physical disappearance of land due to landslides and flooding created by the change in the surface water system. After the earthquake it became evident that some sites were not suitable for rebuilding due to vulnerability to seismic, soil, or landslide hazards. The needs of those families who lost their land in the earthquake have been addressed in a tailored programme implemented by UN-HABITAT, which supported people to acquire new land and regain the same starting position as others who were reconstructing new homes. The objective of the programme is to ensure that those who lost land in the earthquake are provided with a new piece of land.
The main activities include:
* Assist policy making for efficient and equitable provision of financial assistance to the landless for the purchase of land;
* Identify, verify and register landless beneficiaries with legitimate claims;
* Disburse financial assistance to beneficiaries to purchase land in an efficient, transparent and safe manner;
* Strengthen Government and community capacity to support resettlement, financial assistance and grievance redress processes for the landless;
* Increase public awareness of Governments policies, plans and procedures.
Results (2008)
* 1,730 families provided with land grant;
* Land mutated in the name of all owners, including women.
Development Partners / Partners
Development Partners: DFID
Partners: Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), Revenue Department
- Pakistan Settlements Flood Recovery Project (PSFRP)
- Primary School Reconstruction in Muzaffarabad (Completed)
- Humanitarian Information and Coordination (Completed)
- Transitional Shelter Provision for Baluchistan Earthquake Victims (Completed)
- Shelter Assistance to IDPs Living Outside of Camps (Completed)
- Water and Sanitation Improvements in Informal Settlements (Completed)
- Disaster Risk Management
- Sustainable Urbanization and Sustainable Energy Construction
- Shelter Assistance to Returnees in Conflict-affected Areas in NWFP (Completed)
- Documenting and Communicating Results Achieved and Lessons Learnt in the Post 2005 Earthquake Rural Housing Reconstruction Programme
- Reconstruction of Girls School in Swat District
- Improving Living conditions of IDPs out off camps through WASH Interventions (Completed)
- Facilitating Access to Safer Land for Earthquake Victims (Completed)
- Strengthening Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
- Joint UN Post-Disaster Assessment Mechanisms (Completed)
- Emergency Shelter Kit Procurement and Distribution (Completed)
- Post-Flood Information Management and Coordination (Completed)
- Facilitating Access to Land for Earthquake Affected Families (Completed)
- Technical and Training Support for the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (Completed)
- Support to Spontaneous Shelter Recovery in Earthquake-affected Villages (completed)
- Support To Spontaneous Shelter Recovery in Earthquake Affected Villages in Pakistan (completed)
- Technical Support for National Urban Poverty Alleviation Programme (Completed)