- アフガニスタン
- 背景
- Community Development Project: National Solidarity Programme (NSP)
- Peace-Building in Afghanistan through Consolidation of Community Solidarity (PACCS)
- Reintegration of Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) through Policy, Planning and Targeted Assistance (EC7)
- Strengthening Municipal and Community Governance in Lashkar Gah - Phase II
- Community Empowerment and Development for Peace Building
- Learning for Community Empowerment Programme (LCEP Phase 2)
- Reintegration of Returnees and IDPs through Policy, Planning and Targeted Assistance (EC6)
- Behaviour Change and Communication
- Governance and Development Support Programme in Kandahar (GDSP)
- NSP - Spinboldak and Khakrez in District of Kandahar
- Upgrading Informal Settlements in Kandahar City
- Youth Empowerment Project (YEP)
- Inter-Communal Rural Development Project (IRDP)
- カンボジア
- インドネシア
- モルディブ
- ネパール
- パキスタン
- パキスタン洪水被災地域における居住復興事業
- Primary School Reconstruction in Muzaffarabad (Completed)
- Humanitarian Information and Coordination (Completed)
- Transitional Shelter Provision for Baluchistan Earthquake Victims (Completed)
- Shelter Assistance to IDPs Living Outside of Camps (Completed)
- Water and Sanitation Improvements in Informal Settlements (Completed)
- Disaster Risk Management
- Sustainable Urbanization and Sustainable Energy Construction
- Shelter Assistance to Returnees in Conflict-affected Areas in NWFP (Completed)
- Documenting and Communicating Results Achieved and Lessons Learnt in the Post 2005 Earthquake Rural Housing Reconstruction Programme
- Reconstruction of Girls School in Swat District
- Improving Living conditions of IDPs out off camps through WASH Interventions (Completed)
- 地震被災者に向けた安全な土地へのアクセス促進事業(英語)
- 地震後の再建強化事業(英語)
- 災害後の国連共同アセスメント機構構築(英語)
- 緊急シェルターキット調達・分配事業(英語)
- 洪水後の情報管理・調整事業(英語)
- 地震被災家族に向けた土地へのアクセス促進事業(英語)
- 地震復興庁(ERRA)への技術・トレーニング支援(英語)
- Support to Spontaneous Shelter Recovery in Earthquake-affected Villages (completed)
- Support To Spontaneous Shelter Recovery in Earthquake Affected Villages in Pakistan (completed)
- 国家貧困根絶プログラムへの技術支援(終了)
- パプアニューギニア
- スリランカ
- 東ティモール
- イラク
※ 国連ハビタットでは、日本政府の支援を受けてイラク復興事業を実施しました。
- インドネシア
- モルディブ
- モンゴル